Blog Hop: 8 Terrible Titles

So my lovely author friend Tasha Raulerson, whom I co-host a new webcast with, tagged me in a fun blog hop where essentially I just flip through my current manuscript and the first place my cursor lands, I need to take the phrase and that’s a new faux title for my book– EIGHT TIMES.

Could be fun. I’ll be brief though because I’m feeling a bit exhausted at the moment from my whirlwind past couple of months. But now I present to you the 8 TERRIBLE replacement titles for THE TRUTH ABOUT TWO-SHOES!

1) Arms Embraced Me
2) Overbearing Neck Kisses

(Okay…side note commentary– my book is NOT a romance. Totally anything but. There’s like one kiss. So this is…amusing/horrifying?)

3)  Freebles and Frobbles

(More commentary: OMG PERFECT!)

4) Between Taco Shell Crunching
5) Like A Scared Child
6) Sarcasm Were Gone
7) The Very Best Private School
8) Leslie Shook Her Head

(Final commentary: While #8 is fantastic, #3 probably takes the cake! But MAN #6 is the worst by far)

Well, that’s that! Since I just recently tagged people in another blog hop, I figured I’d just open this up to whoever wants to join the fun. If you do, let me know and I’ll link to your blog below.

2 thoughts on “Blog Hop: 8 Terrible Titles

  1. Ack! Looks like my comment went to spam. I’m not a spammer. Pinky swear! Here’s what I tried to post:

    Ha! This was HILARIOUS! I love that idea! Next time I’m stuck for titles, I’m going to have to try this. At the very least it’ll help me feel happier about the one I already have. P.S. I vote for number four. I have no idea what kind of book that would be but, hey, it’s intriguing. I would pick it up, just to read the premise. 😀

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